Working on it: Devlog #5

Max and Josh, here once again to give you people your weekly devlog! We don't have anything to show you today but rest assured we are still hard at work on making this project come to life.

Since we are now making alpha's and beta's of our game we have gone ahead and made a git repository for version control. Can't risk a big project losing all its data now can we? Besides that, we've been trying to figure out how to make a sense of progression through the game between the levels. We have some ideas for that but nothing we are able to test out quite yet.

We were very proud of how last week's prototypes came out and how they were received. We feel comfortable basing the the game on these prototypes from here on out. The art style is has now mostly solidified and the core mechanics are now set. Now all that's needed is to flesh them out with new mechanics to add to the core ones and to make higher quality art for the final.

The last playtest gave us plenty of good ideas to add to the game going forward. In particular upgrading the art to be more powerful and making more of a progression to the game's mechanics.

Our final project goal of course, is to make an atmospheric gallery shooter where you play as a hunter late at night who discovers paranormal activity as the game progresses.

Get Hunting Night

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