Beginnings: Devlog #1

Welcome back! Here is where we show you our freshly made prototypes to show our creative vision! We made separate prototypes to test different aspects of our game, mainly centered around figuring out the controls.

As for Wattvolt's, I made a prototype focused around testing the lighting and making things pop in only when you hover your light on it. I'm hoping that with this mechanic I can make players afraid to shine their light around as they'll never know what the light will reveal until it's too late.  Building tension is fundamental to horror so I'm hoping this will be a cool way of doing that. There are some things to work out still, as of now the sprites appear in full as soon as a fraction of light touches them when what I want is for them to only have the parts of them within the light be visible. From what I've researched this looks like something that requires a custom shader to accomplish so this is what I'll be working with until I can figure that part out. Okay, that's all from me! I'll let Max have his turn now.

You can check Wattvolt's prototype in video form here: 

Hello, Max here, for my prototype I was thinking that it would be a good idea to see how gun projectiles worked as well as how to to make a mouse targeting system for the gun. I believe that a tracer system would be a good indication and just a good feeling in general for the player when firing. In my opinion it's important for these mechanics to feel smooth and comfortable for the player. I started looking through different ways to achieve this, there were many methods for making gun projectiles such as using a game object and transforms, a physics system or ray casting. I liked the idea of using ray casting as I thought the bullet tracer would be enjoyable to play with, but it was difficult to implement. Using a game object and transform would've been easier but I don't think the effect would've been the same. So I used physics instead so hopefully it will have a similar impact, but I will strive towards making a ray casting tracer further into the future prototype. On top of this, I made a gun that rotates around the character, mostly to follow the cursor just to see how a mouse targeting position system would function. That'll be it from me, hopefully we'll both catch you in our future Devlogs.

You can check Max's prototype right in this link:


Hunting Night.exe 651 kB
Sep 26, 2023

Get Hunting Night

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